Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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What is our vision for behaviour here at HAF?

At HAF we have a culture of demonstrating excellence with regards to behaviour. We encourage all staff and students to have high expectations of themselves at all times which is built on one of our founding principles ‘success’. All members of the Academy community are expected to act in a way that serves themselves so that we can effectively support one another and through this experience success.

It is from this platform that students are able to experience fantastic achievements.  We believe in a culture of CARE where students respond in an appropriate manner to all situations, are accountable for their actions and show respect to each other and to members of staff. Any behaviour that does not meet our expectations is challenged to ensure there is no disruption to learning or achievement.

We always aim to work with our students and their parents to establish the vital positive relationships that are fundamental to ensuring the ongoing success of our students.


How does behaviour work at HAF?

All our behaviour procedures and protocols are communicated clearly within our Behaviour policy which can be found here.


How do we encourage excellent behaviour for learning at HAF?

Behaviour in the classroom and around the Academy is underpinned by our culture of CARE. These values are reiterated and celebrated in our classrooms and communal areas to provide an effective foundation for our classroom culture. Details of this can be found below.

HAF CARE Image 2

CARE - What does it look like?





Who are the Behaviour Team?

Every member of staff at HAF takes responsibility to ensuring the highest standards of behaviour in our Academy community.

The staff members below are those who lead on behaviour at the Academy.

Colley 1

Maher 1

Academy Behaviour Lead

Mr J Colley

Assistant Principal

Academy Behaviour Manager

Mr D Maher

Associate Vice Principal

Miss Rais Picture

Mr Yusuff Picture

Behaviour Support

Miss D Rais

Behaviour Support

Mr A Yusuff

Supporting your Son/Daughter

Need Support from Us?

If you would like to discuss a concern and query relating to behaviour, please contact your child's Head of Year in the first instance. The Heads of Year are listed below.

Head of Year 7 - Miss McNeill
Head of Year 8 - Mr Bowles
Head of Year 9 - Mr Colley
Head of Year 10 - Mr Maher
Head of Year 11 - Mr Papworth
Head of Year 12 - Mr Hayes
Head of Year 13 - Mr Hayes


Resources for supporting your child with their behaviour.

Below are links to a range of resources available to support you in supporting your child with their behaviour




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