Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Uniform & Equipment

Students in years 7-11 are expected to be of smart appearance and to wear the Academy uniform on the way to and from the Academy as well as during the Academy day.  An acceptance of a place at the Academy implies an acceptance of our uniform and dress code. By requiring students to wear the Academy uniform, we hope to develop a sense of loyalty to the community of which they are members, and encourage them to take a pride in their appearance.


Students wear specific tie colours according to their year group;

  Current Academic Year 2025/2026 Academic Year
Year 7 Green Red
Year 8 Blue Green
Year 9 Yellow Blue
Year 10 Purple Yellow
Year 11 Red Purple

Individual fashion statements such as extreme hair styles or colours (unnatural red or dip dyed hair) are discouraged. The final decision regarding what is classed as an ‘extreme hair style’ is at the discretion of the Principal.  Designer shirts, trainers and decorated footwear are not permitted.  No decorative attachments are to be worn in the hair, hair bands must be plain black, white or purple with a maximum of 50mm width. Make-up, nail varnish, false/gel nails, fake tan or false eyelashes must not be worn at any time. Tinted or cosmetic contact lenses and decorative dental wear are not permitted. Birthday balloons are also not permitted. 

Black or purple scarves, hats (no bandannas, hoods or caps) and gloves are only to be worn to and from the Academy and these must be removed once inside the Academy buildings.  Hijabs worn for religious purposes must be plain black, and must not cover either the face or uniform.

Blazers are to be worn at all times when moving around the Academy. During hot weather, the removal of blazers when moving around the building is at the discretion of the Principal. Students may remove their blazer when in their learning spaces.

No jewellery except for one wrist watch and a maximum of one small plain silver or gold coloured (no stones) stud earring in each ear.  Nose studs or tongue studs and other forms of body piercing are not permitted.  No accessories are to be worn around the neck, wrists or attached to clothing.

Large amounts of money and expensive personal effects should not be brought to the Academy.  Harris Academy Falconwood will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, money, belongings or clothing whilst at the Academy.

Mobile phones, ipads, ipods, MP3 players, smart watches etc. MUST NOT be brought to the Academy. Forbidden items will be confiscated and only returned at the end of term. Should a parent want an item returned prior to the end of term, the parent can make an appointment to come to the Academy to collect it after 24 hours.

Details of our full Uniform Policy can be found in the Student Welfare section of the Key Information area.  Our Sixth Form dress code can be found on the Harris Sixth Form website.


We expect every student to have the basic items of equipment for every lesson:

  • 2 black or blue pens
  • 1 red pen
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 ruler
  • 1 eraser
  • 1 pencil case (preferably clear plastic for assessments)
  • 1 scientific calculator*

* While there are a range of scientific calculators available, we recommend the following models:

  • Casio fx-83 GT Plus
  • Casio fx-83 GTX
  • Casio fx-83 CW

Text books and certain specialist equipment may be issued on loan.  You will be given an exercise book or a folder for each subject.  If you lose or wilfully damage anything, you will be expected to pay for a replacement. This also applies to furniture and the Academy buildings.

Purchasing Uniform

All our Academy uniform can be purchased from our local retailer, Caseys of Blackfen.  For more details, please click here or the link on the left of the page.

Second-Hand Uniform - Could You Donate Unwanted Items?

Could you donate uniform items to help us set up a second-hand uniform service at Harris Academy Falconwood?

With the current rise in the cost of living, we are mindful that, for some families in our community, the cost of purchasing branded and unbranded uniform items may become more difficult.

We are therefore setting up a second-hand uniform service and are reaching out to families to support us in this scheme.

If your child has outgrown some uniform items, please could you donate them?

We are asking for donations of HAF branded and unbranded items of uniform that are in good condition, such as academy blazers, jumpers, ties, and PE kits as well as unbranded items such as black skirts, trousers, and white shirts.  These items will be re-purposed and sold at a reduced cost for members of our school community.

Parents/Carers can leave donations of uniform items at our academy main reception between 8:30am-4:00pm Mon-Thurs.

If you want to take advantage of this please e-mail info@harrisfalconwood.org.uk

Thank you in advance for your support.