‘The human mind is the most beautiful and the most dangerous thing nature has made’ - Dhamma
Psychology is the study of human behaviour. It is a science in that it is all about experiments and, therefore, the biggest module in Psychology is on how to conduct experiments. It is a relatively new and growing subject, which has quickly become one of the most popular subjects in sixth forms and universities across the UK. Psychology encompasses Biology, English and Maths skills, which makes it valuable to a wide range of careers.
There is no coursework in Psychology so 100% of your marks will come from your exams. The three exams you take at the end of year 13 are all that counts towards your final A level Psychology grade. Exam questions include multiple choice, short answer and extended answer questions worth 16 marks.
You will sit 3 exams at the end of Year 13, each lasting 2 hours and worth 96 marks.
Paper 1: Introductory topics in Psychology (Year 12)
Social Influence (24 marks)
Memory (24 marks)
Attachment (24 marks)
Psychopathology (24 marks)
Paper 2: Psychology in Context (Year 12)
Approaches in Psychology (24 marks)
Biopsychology (24 marks)
Research Methods, including data handling and inferential statistics (48 marks)
Paper 3: Issues and Debates in Psychology (Year 13)
Issues and Debates in Psychology
Relationships (24 marks)
Schizophrenia (24 marks)
Forensic Psychology (24 marks)
Please view Curriculum Maps below: